A Week on the Tank

Tuesday in North Libs…

Wednesday night poker…

Thursday through Fairmount…

9 responses to “A Week on the Tank”

  1. ed says:


  2. ed says:

    …but where’s danny bonaduche at?

  3. admin says:

    solid week of fun.

  4. Devyn says:

    It’s on the cutting room floor — only looks good in color.

  5. scott says:

    Doesn’t get much better!

  6. andrew says:

    Damn I missed out! I did take a ride last night throught Manhattan. Nice SHOOTS!

  7. Devyn says:

    Adam and I were talking to Jason McElroy down at the Abbaye Tuesday night. Here’s what he’s about…

  8. Ricky says:

    Nice shots! Being the working man blows.

  9. Justin B. says:

    Nice shots! It’s pretty sweet to have a pro photo guru around – you never can get enough shots of cycles. Incidentally, that’s my 919 in those shots, and about 30 seconds after the photo was taken, I spilled fuel all over my damn tank. I gotta get used to the new fuel cap I just put on – I think it’s tight, but it’s a tricky one on the ‘ol fill-up apparently… 😉

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From Past

Published - Jun 17, 2019

Canadian Rockies – day 1

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