cb360t new rubber

Cleaned up the wheels. Inside the rims was rusted pretty bad but they cleaned up nicely with a wire brush.

I got out of work late tonight but was still able to make it down to the UPS store on Oregon before it closed to pick these up. FRESH RUBBER! Duro HF318 400/18

Got them put on.

Mick stopped by to chill and check out progress.

I really like the matching front and rear tires and the front fills out the fork with just enough clearance on each side.

8 responses to “cb360t new rubber”

  1. admin says:

    looks dope. when it’s done, i’d like to see the 450 and this 360 go head to head on west river.

  2. Jay says:

    Tires look great. I am going to be embarrassed when you’re finished a complete build before I even get mine running. Keep the pics coming!

  3. Aaron says:

    Im with you on that one ( guy above me) Tires look sick adam.

  4. scott says:

    No worries about the wheels, as most or all get some rust between tyre changes. As you’ve witnessed, a wire brush almost always does the trick! 😉

  5. andrew says:

    stoked on this!

  6. andrew says:

    ps – ed digging the halloween theme logo… nice touch to the page.

  7. admin says:

    thanx… i’m a fan of halloween.

  8. Mike says:

    tires look sick, so do those bars flipped. Syked to see this thing come around. Im with Aaron and Jay on the timing.

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From Past

Published - Sep 19, 2013

Thursday Ride | End of summer 2013

This is officially the last Thursday ride of the summer with Fall beginning this Sunday. I think we’ve had more than half the Thursday rides rained out this summer but tonight’s forecast is clear and in the 60’s so come out and have some fun. BP @8pm. Ride then beers.