Published - Apr 17, 2011
Hey, I’m excited about the positive feedback about my shop girl posts, thanks! This week I helped Rob as he experimented with building his first ever cafe seat. After deciding the shape, we made a cardboard pattern and mocked it up on a frame to make sure the proportions were right. Then we traced the […]
Who’s that hot chick with the straggly hair in the Chin On The Tank jacket??
Ohhh… it’s Devyn
hahahahaahahahah. Last night was a good time. Hope we get some more warm ones in before winter.
Anna, you’re dead to me…DEAD.
Good times.
Yup, good times!
lookin good guys… Get some stampede patches made up ed..
Great meeting you guys. Hope to see you next thurs.
looks like fun i,ve been out of it a while but hopin to get out there