cb360t home stretch

It’s a month past deadline, due to a few unforeseen issues, but things are on the home stretch now. My new plan is to ride it to the next First Friday (January 7th) at Liberty Vintage.

Greasy hands and late nights. More updates to come.

10 responses to “cb360t home stretch”

  1. mick says:

    looks great adam. Is the tailight mounted right to the frame?

  2. Adam says:

    Yea, i welded a tab on the frame to mount the tail light.

  3. chris says:

    that thing is lookin sick…are you runnin no fenders?

  4. Adam says:

    Yea, no fenders. The idea is a minimalistic cycle for around the city. Not the most practical but fun for good weather.

  5. Aaron says:

    Its looking really good adam. I really like the look of the bars and how low the seat is going to be. get a vid of that thing rippin around when its done. Hopefully i’ll see a bunch of you guys for new years at Micks Party

  6. scott says:

    Bike looks great! I don’t recognize the tread pattern…..what tyres are you running?

  7. bob. says:

    Looks awesome so far. Really digging how you formed the seat pan to match up with the tank, great work! Maybe drop the headlight a bit lower? …I just like really low headlamps…

  8. Richard says:

    Yeah, those bars are super classic

  9. Adam says:

    thanks bob. I also dig the low/tucked in head lights but for this build i’m sticking with the oem headlight bracket that I slimmed up.

  10. ed says:

    what’s the status of this? Give me an update.

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From Past

Published - Mar 29, 2010

seat mounting

I’m always curious as to how people mount their custom seats. Well, this is my design. I welded 3/16″ steel bar and tapped them out for M10 1.25 screws which mount from the top and will be covered by the seat padding.