Norton Engine

So I picked up the Norton engine today!! Im totally stoked to get it all back together, but I was hoping to maybe get an extra pair of hands on Tuesday afternoon to help out. Let me know if any of you are available. The barrels were honed, bead blasted, primed and painted. The head was bead blasted and had complete valve job done. Pistons were cleaned up and I put brand spanking new rings on them. Its time for her to be one again. I also got a Hastings piston ring book… so if anyone needs rings let me know and I can look up the part number to order it directly from Hastings…. Every engine imaginable is in the book.

4 responses to “Norton Engine”

  1. mick says:

    def free that night to help. let me know, i can ride up.

  2. ed says:

    yea, I can help any weekday after 5:30.

  3. Justin says:

    I can pitch in for a few hours Tuesday night. I’m stoked for this project! The motor looks great!

  4. yann says:

    looks beautiful,
    not sure how much help i could be, but would love to be there


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From Past

Published - Mar 18, 2018

Anyone care about oil?

I called megacycle camshafts because I had some cam questions. Some old tech-lady I spoke with was great. We talked about a bunch of shit. She asked what oil I normally use. I said conventional 10-40 mc oil. She said nope, that shit ain’t good enough. She said I really need to be using an […]