More Snow in Philly

but I just got this sweet truck that does donuts in snow.

7 responses to “More Snow in Philly”

  1. scott says:

    Snow definitely sucky, sucky! 😉

  2. ed says:

    fuck snow. the only thing it’s good for is fuckin around doin donuts.

  3. tom (petty) says:

    mmm… dounuts.

  4. tom says:

    wait, why does my name still say (petty)? that joke has long since been over?

  5. tom says:

    fixed. nevermind.

  6. Justin says:

    Truck or no truck – I’m definitely tired of this snow shit. I haven’t ridden my cycle all week and it’s really pissing me off!

  7. Richard says:

    I’m pissed too. Fuck this!

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From Past

Published - Apr 18, 2012

Peter on the Dragon

Our buddy Peter. Roasting it. Another one! I dig it. ha. Just like Ricky’s.