Paint Pen + Helmet

8 responses to “Paint Pen + Helmet”

  1. chris says:

    that’s fuckin straight forward fuckin awesome…u know i likes the paint pens!

  2. admin says:

    Thats pretty dope. Who did the handy work? I know adam’s shaky grandpa hands didn’t do that.

  3. Adam says:

    thats shaky as fuck…. grandpa hand special!

    chris, i’d be pumped to show you but it doesn’t compare to your paint skills. I found it pretty hard to freehand on a round surface with the paint pen.

    Devyn, you gotta put up a pic of your helmet. legit

  4. scott says:

    Very nice Adam!

    Yeah, Devyn’s pen work is awesome and gives the appearance of brushed paint or even vinyl graphics!

  5. Tom says:


  6. julianna says:

    this looks awesome adam!

  7. yann says:

    understated and tasteful,

    very nice.

  8. Justin says:

    That is definitely tight. The shaky-hand special adds a certain something, I think! It looks awesome!

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Published - Apr 25, 2011

Suzuki Savage

I’m really into the single cylinder choppers. I’ve got some ideas for when I get my hands on one and it involves big knobby tires… Kev’s Suzuki Savage: