chris, i’d be pumped to show you but it doesn’t compare to your paint skills. I found it pretty hard to freehand on a round surface with the paint pen.
Devyn, you gotta put up a pic of your helmet. legit
I’m really into the single cylinder choppers. I’ve got some ideas for when I get my hands on one and it involves big knobby tires… Kev’s Suzuki Savage:
that’s fuckin straight forward fuckin awesome…u know i likes the paint pens!
Thats pretty dope. Who did the handy work? I know adam’s shaky grandpa hands didn’t do that.
thats shaky as fuck…. grandpa hand special!
chris, i’d be pumped to show you but it doesn’t compare to your paint skills. I found it pretty hard to freehand on a round surface with the paint pen.
Devyn, you gotta put up a pic of your helmet. legit
Very nice Adam!
Yeah, Devyn’s pen work is awesome and gives the appearance of brushed paint or even vinyl graphics!
this looks awesome adam!
understated and tasteful,
very nice.
That is definitely tight. The shaky-hand special adds a certain something, I think! It looks awesome!