Cast and Salvage website

I just launched the Cast and Salvage website. (designed by Ryan DeLa, programmed by yours truly)

For you tech folks;
– it’s built on a custom responsive WordPress theme. Looks great on Phones.
– all manageable / updatable through iPhone

Check it out HERE.

If you’re riding a jalloppy, go have them dial it in already.

4 responses to “Cast and Salvage website”

  1. Lauren says:

    I was going to say the site looks really pretty but decided I shouldn’t describe a motorcycle site as pretty. So it looks really hardcore. And awesome.

  2. Patrick says:

    Damn fine job!

  3. Nina says:

    Looks rad guys! Nice work!!

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From Past

Published - Feb 28, 2010

cb500t seat part 1 of 3

This is the beginning of my solo seat on my cb500t. I’m going for a super low, slim and minimal seat that fits with the curves of the tank. Cutting out paper templates to get certain measurements. Laid out the design on 16 gauge sheet metal. muscled some bends. Stance