CB550 | The Gentleman’s Express

I found this article while doing some research about CB550 modifications. It was written by Gordon Jennings and published in Cycle magazine’s November 1975 issue. Good article and worth the read.

“Gentleman’s Express Vehicles in this category were not in the strictest sense sport cars, though they certainly were intended to be driven in a sporting manner.”

Apparently this style was seen as a more functional version of the stereotypical cafe bike back in the day. I think it still holds true for a lot of peoples cycles in Philly. Inspiration from the cafe style but built in a sportier practical sense for city living and riding.

I like the rational for flipping the brake caliper. I’m going to try this out along with a dual disc setup on my 550. Should make a big difference.

Freedom Gold 2 stroke oil. “GET IT UP” haha

CB750 piston fitting to increase displacement to 593cc. This along with a different cam seems to really get a bunch more power out of the 550. I’ve got some plans for mine with these ideas and it’s gonna make it rip faster than Ed’s 650!! haha.

9 responses to “CB550 | The Gentleman’s Express”

  1. Justin says:

    That’s an awesome article. I wish it had a dynomometer graph to show the HP/TQ over stock and it’s delivery. I love subtle builds like that and the idea of the “Gentleman’s Express” is pretty cool. I dig function over form – something I’m trying to work out with the Sportsters.

  2. Justin says:

    Also, Ed you forgot a page. Specifically, the page about the caliper. What did they do with it and why?

  3. Justin says:

    And by Ed, I meant Adam…

  4. adam says:

    my bad, i just fixed it.

  5. Quinn says:

    Big fan of this post. Love the low tracker bars and rear sets. Looks like what ben has done with his guzzi. And this is definitely what I would do if I ever bought another vintage honda especially a 500t.

  6. […] the exact same bike. ‘The Gentlemans Express’, little show, all go, the full articles here via Chin on the Tank if you’re interested in the oily […]

  7. […] the exact same bike. ‘The Gentlemans Express’, little show, all go, the full articles here via Chin on the Tank if you’re interested in the oily […]

  8. […] good read- CB550 | The Gentleman?s Express – Chin on the Tank ? Motorcycle stuff in Philadelphia. Brappp Reply With […]

  9. Paul Halesworth says:

    COTT: A friend sent me the link for the Gentlemen’s Express article that appeared in Cycle Magazine…that was my motorcycle! I was a member of the magazine’s staff from ’73 to ’89. What a nice surprise to read that it’s low-key/high performance style is still appreciated. Wish I had that bike now.

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From Past

Published - Sep 7, 2011

Thursday Ride / Frankford Hall

This past Thursday we had decent weather and a great old bike turnout for a blast through Fairmount Park. If you’ve ever come out on a Thursday you’ve most likely done this ride with us. It’s what we’ve referred to as ‘The Loop’. It’s pretty much what started the Thursday rides and definitely still one […]