Godspeed 45/06 photography

Cicero deGuzman jr lives and works in NYC shooting photography for his company Godspeed 45/06. In the motorcycle world he is most known for his work documenting the chopper scene.

Cicero recently made a trip to Philadelphia to visit some friends and check out our local scene. We had a good time hanging out with him at Cast & Salvage. Here are some of his photos from his visit.

Check out his site HERE.

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From Past

Published - Nov 26, 2013

Wilderness Collective

I’m going to make a prediction… Summer 2014 is going to be all about old dirt bikes in the woods. So… maybe it’d be a good idea to pick up a dirt bike if you don’t already have one. Probably the older and shittier, the better. I had this video forwarded to me and I […]