2013 Event List


Get your jalopy running …
This is a rough list of the chin-tank stuff we’re planning this year:

End of April

New Hope PA camping trip, then go to the norton show the next morning


Lemon Hill BBQ in Fairmount park


Harrisburg PA camping trip


Babe on the back beach ride – day trip to NJ


chin-tank drag race night
– 400 and under class
– 450 – 550 class
– 650 class
– 750 and over class


Camping trip to north NJ woods – Brooklyn invitational next day

19 responses to “2013 Event List”

  1. Brian says:

    I like the list. Good organizational skills Ed.

    Do you have a location for the drag races?

  2. ed says:

    ha, thnx.
    for the drag race –
    not yet. somewhere in the middle of no where.
    i figure this event will make for some friendly shit-talking…

  3. Brian says:

    Disregard my wuestion about thw drag races. As legal counsel, it might be a good idea to not put the location of the drag races on the website. Unless it is on private property.

  4. Ben says:

    I like it.

    Someone want to score us a campsite for the Nortons next month. Mine was a flop last year.

  5. Ben says:

    I believe it’s spelled “jalopy”, Ed.

  6. Chris francione says:

    Yeeaahh!, I’m likin it, I’m in on all of those ….once I finish signing these divorce papers! Hah.
    @ben…that did suck buddy, we can do better.

  7. Mike Davis says:

    I met one of u guys with the cafe bike at the lunch truck at drexel this morning (sorry I’m horrible with names). I’m the guy with the Harley, it was good talking to another biker. Looking forward to running into u guys sometime. The website is awesome with the chick on the BMW!

  8. ed says:

    That was me (Ed).
    Nice chatting with ya. Come out sometime for a ride or a camping trip.
    Yep, the bmw girl is a good one.

  9. Chris f says:

    Do I smell a bromance in the air?

  10. Brian says:

    Chris just sounds jealous because he can’t have a bromance until after those divorce papers are signed…

  11. Adam says:

    We should renegade camp in the park that the Norton Meet is at…. then we might actually be there ontime this year. hahah.

  12. Devyn says:

    Adam, that’s not a bad idea. Speaking of renegade camping, we should hit that spot from 2 years ago, where we bushwacked it down that abandoned road. No idea where we were, but that bar was fun.

  13. Joel says:

    Wish I lived in PA. fack.

  14. Carson says:

    Maybe I try to make it up for the drag race, I got a couple 2-strokes in the 400 and under class that will give y’all a run for your money.

  15. Chris francione says:

    Nortons event April 28

  16. Ian says:

    Hey Ed can you post dates as soon as you get them? I bid for my days off 2 months out. My April schedule is fucked buy I have a couple of days to reschedule May. Do you have a rough idea for BBQ? Thanks ED

  17. Quinn says:

    I’m game for all this. Counting the days till April 28th. Need me some whisky, woods and good times.

  18. Max says:

    Devyn that spot isn’t too hard to find. I can give u directions. I miss you guys!
    Chris are u really getting divorced?

  19. Chris francione says:

    @max..No man, just a joke, that would be the result of me going to every event,

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From Past

Published - Nov 4, 2018

Pine barrens camping

Got to mikes cabin. Hit the trails. Mark took out a tree branch with his face. Dr Guzzi couldn’t go through a puddle without the DT360 crapping out. I was sick and high on DayQuil entire time. Mike led a good route again. Barely made it to Luceille’s diner. Cop pulled us over in pines… […]