Pure Gold

I can’t get enough of this stuff.
Old videos from the 70’s.

Man, the Z1, kz900, kz1000 are badass.

Pretty neat to hear stuff about the kz750 and kz400 too.

2 responses to “Pure Gold”

  1. Z Guy says:

    Of course, you’ve seen this one:

  2. Devyn says:

    found a kz 400 in my backyard. someone just dumped it there in the woods. the frame was shot so the motor was torn out and thrown into a go-kart. i have no idea where it is now.

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From Past

Published - Jun 10, 2010

How to stay dry for cheap

Adam and I are riding to Denver in Sept. to visit our close buddy Matt. I’ve been researching how to stay dry for cheap. What I’ve come up with so far are these two items. 1) Stearns rain suit from walmart. bought it for $20 from walmart in Cherry Hill used it yesterday to ride […]