Homeward Bound

I love when I get emails from people about trips they’ve done.

Dan is from Collingswood NJ.
He emailed me saying he just rode his Honda cb from Milwaukee back here to philly area.

Check out the PDF he put together, it’s a good little read.

Homeward-Bound [PDF]

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2 responses to “Homeward Bound”

  1. Adam says:

    Nice trip and the bike looks great.

    Come out for a Thursday ride sometime.

  2. Ben says:


    I like how you can see your bags getting bigger over the trip. Adding a pillow was a sweet idea.

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From Past

Published - Apr 28, 2012

Cast and Salvage website

I just launched the Cast and Salvage website. (designed by Ryan DeLa, programmed by yours truly) For you tech folks; – it’s built on a custom responsive WordPress theme. Looks great on Phones. – all manageable / updatable through iPhone Check it out HERE. If you’re riding a jalloppy, go have them dial it in […]