Tomorrow | True Hand Makers Night

Recently I’ve start working with a good friend of mine, Mike Ski, over at his Tattoo studio, True Hand. We’re hoping to do a ton of interesting stuff outside the world of tattoos & design. So in the spirit of hitting the ground rolling we’re doing our first makers night tomorrow featuring handmade goods by Farmhaus & Institute of Dress. There will be tons of amazing stuff for sale, as well as free drinks & food. Swing ,by check it out, hang & maybe pick up some gifts. 2424 E. York Street Philadelphia PA, December 14th at 5:00 PM.


2 responses to “Tomorrow | True Hand Makers Night”

  1. Ed says:

    Cool… I’ll come by.

  2. Tom says:

    Can’t make it but nice dude and makes some awesome goods.

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From Past

Published - Oct 2, 2020

Montana single-track still-frame

On our week long off-road trip, Adam shot some GoPro still-frame video footage from the tight single track we did. Pretty sure it catches me taking a spill somewhere. Also, some random BMX videos I dug up from early-mid 2000’s. Good stuff.