Yamaha ct1 clutch springs – Barnett clutch

So… I’m really starting to rip into this jalopy.

As I said earlier, the clutch slips like a mother fucker. It’s horrible.

I really wanted to do Barnett springs and plates. I found the plates easily on eBay but I couldn’t find ct1 Barnett springs anywhere. On a whim I ordered dt175 springs since they are available… not knowing if they would fit.

Well… They do fit.

Just wanted to put this out there in case anyone else with a ct1 has the same issues.


3 responses to “Yamaha ct1 clutch springs – Barnett clutch”

  1. colin says:

    I like that the angle grinder/cutting wheel is ready for it!

  2. Ed says:

    I used the angle grinder to cut off a bolt which was holding the right engine cover on. I’ll bet someone wanted to do the clutch previously but they stripped the head on a bolt and gave up.

  3. […] Yamaha ct1 snatch springs – Barnett clutch – Chin on the Tank … […]

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