Winter Sucks

I dont know about you, but I hate Winter. Sure we can work on our bikes, drink beer, and watch movies….but if I had my ‘druthers, I’d druther do it all outside on a motorcycle.

So I find myself sitting inside watching the snow fall and watching motorcycle videos. Thought you Ladies might get a kick out of some of them, so Im adding a few here for your winter viewing pleasure.

If you have one I didn’t include, add it to the comments at the bottom.

See y’all in the Spring.

Riding September

I Dont Want a Pickle

Long Live the Kings

Russian Off Road Challenge

Wilderness Collective

Food, Beer, Petrol

Chasing Winter

And of course…Waiting Out Winter (Without Ricky Version)


5 responses to “Winter Sucks”

  1. Nick says:

    This should take you straight through till spring.

  2. Patrick Huff says:

    If you really wanna kill some time go full length like On Any Sunday, Long Way Round and Long Way Down.

  3. ed says:

    good vids!

  4. Ben says:

    A few more films to pass the winter with:

    On Any Sunday 2-

    Mondo Enduro

  5. Ben says:

    Great. Another fucking snow day. You guys have any other motorcycle video recommendations?

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From Past

Published - Sep 16, 2014

79 IT250 – progress

The IT is coming along. Got the Vermont registration so I can actually ride the thing legally now Sorted out all the little missing bolts and retarded shit from the previous owner. Needs a different silencer. Looking for a good, used DG piece. Got it cleaned up. The blue and yellow is pretty wild looking. […]