Pit Stop 2 Pit Stop 2


I went on a short trip this past weekend to Reading, where I grew up, for a friends Bachelor Party & to paint a couple signs for his wedding. I took my old Yamaha XS650 & my new Fuji X100. Avoided 76 & broke down once. These are the some of the photos…


All Packed Up


The Scenic Route a.k.a. Driving Directions Avoiding 76


Sitting in Traffic

Broken Down

Small Electrical Problem.

Still Broken Down

Sorting out the Electrical Problem, Turned out to be a broken connection.

Hip Shot

Hip Shot

Bachelor Party

Bachelor Party: Ryan Scott Punching a Bag (Top Score)

Party Cont'd

Matt Yetter Punching a Bag, Actually he wiffed. HA!

After Hours

Post Party Scenery

Thank You Sign

Hand Painted Thank You Sign

Cocktail Sign

Hand Painted Cocktail Sign

Heading Home

About to leave for home

Pit Stop 1

Pizza World Pit Stop

Pizza Pits

Pizza World Pit Stop 2

Pit Stop 2

Random Stop



Thanks to Adam for helping make my bike so rad!

7 responses to “PHL to RDG”

  1. Chris francione says:

    Them firestones look good, cool photos!

  2. Ed says:

    I like the upside down license plate.

  3. mick says:

    rad shots homer!

  4. Mikey c says:

    SquareOne BMX!

  5. […] trying to get some new COTT shirts made with some cool new designs by our good friend Jessie Jay of True Hand Society. So, in order to do so I need to sell off the last few COTT shirts I have […]

  6. Brandon says:

    Curious how often u sell bikes like this and for roughly how much. Have a cruiser and not thrilled with it by don’t want a modern sport bike. Would like to look at an older cafe that looks its age but runs great ( in order to find a reasonable price). Thx.

  7. Graeme says:

    Love the set up on this bike, nicely done. Would you be able to tell me what tires & size you’re running?

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