Destination – put in bay ohio So… Lake Erie is fucking gross. Bacteria levels so high it’s unsafe for people to swim in it. Fuck it though… We swam anyway. So we officially swam in all 5 Great Lakes. In Ohio we kept seeing signs for something called “put in bay”. I had no clue […]
Yup, guilty. I’ve been MIA from these rides. My bad.
fucking life constantly getting in the way. ARGH!!
You’ve got some nice patina going there ed! Digging it! Wish I was there.
I’ll make it some night when it ends at the go go! U know?
This coming Thursday…
@ed, gotcha
This pains me…
I’ve been traveling and haven’t been able to make it out.
@ed Is this Thursday on with holiday and all?
Yea, this Thursday is on.