So in order to keep a record (both written and photographic) of the our shared motorcycling experience, I have started a blog called Bike-Specific. It is still in its infancy, but the goal is to focus more on the experience of motorcycling whether it be going to a show, taking a road trip or building/working on a bike. Every post should tell a bit of a story. I am currently working on posting pictures from my recent trip to Austin, TX to see MotoGP and the Handbuilt Motorcycle Show and will add more content as it becomes available. My plan is to eventually open the site up to those who want contribute, but one step at a time. In the meantime I hope you enjoy the photos. I certainly enjoyed taking them.
P.S. I am new to WordPress so the site looks pretty shitty right now. It’s a work in progress.

3 responses to “Pictures from Austin MotoGP and the Handbuilt Motorcycle Show”
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Damn, if known you guys were gonna be down there I’d have invited you to the ranch we rented for dinner saturday. I’ve been following this site on my blog roll for a couple of years now.
Wall of death looks cool. No handed is pretty wild.
I saw those dude at Mid-Ohio Vintage Days and it ruled.
@steve thats a rad offer man. I dig the hobo nickels you make.