Nesco vintage dirt bike track

Man, you guys fucked up.
I know it was slightly a late notice thing, but real big bummer you missed this. It was amazing.

Here is the run down:

Nesco vintage race track is basically some private MX track some old dude made in south east NJ. He replicated tracks from the 70s. It’s not open to anyone except him and his personal friends. So, no chance of ever riding/racing on it. Except… once a year, he holds a vintage MX swap meet and dirt bike race, which is open to the public.

On just this 1 day of the year, anyone can come ride the track from 10-4 as long as you have an old enduro/mx bike from 70s / 80s. All you need to do is show up, wear a helmet, and sign a waiver. It’s not really a race. No one wins. It’s actually not overly organized at all. We showed up, paid $30, signed waivers then ripped around the track all day.

Some guys were on old DTs. And some guys were on 70s full-on MX bikes with full 70s race gear.

Dirt was good. Track was awesome for our style bikes. Pretty big track actually. A few jumps. Lots of berms.
My IT250 was fucking shredding.
Brad / Cooney and I all fell/slid out a few times. So much fun.

Holy shit real dirt biking is hard and tiring.
Going around the track 5 consecutive times was a challenge. Dripping sweat.

We raced around for several hours. Then headed home.
Def going next year.

Oh yea… and the swap meet was cool too.




3 responses to “Nesco vintage dirt bike track”

  1. Yann says:

    That looks like shit tons of fun, wish I had heard about it! Always wanted to ride on an MX style course.

  2. Ben says:

    Damn- we missed out!

  3. would like to know more about nesco and camping trip for next year. Dates locations etc.. i live in lancaster pa and currently own 18 bikes – 13 vintage dirtbikes. We do a couple vintage races every year and always looking for more riding!

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