Modern Classics Motorcycle Show


Throwing this out there to see if anyone is interested in going to the Modern Classics show in Boyertown on Saturday March 5th. The theme of the show is Motocross, Trials, and Enduros which should be pretty interesting. They are also going to have a Britten V1000 which I would love to see in person. Who’s in?

4 responses to “Modern Classics Motorcycle Show”

  1. Adam says:

    I’d like to check this one out. I haven’t been to this one previously but I know other guys enjoy it. I’m into the enduro theme. Maybe they have a turd class that we can alll enter our shitty enduros for. hahaha

  2. Radke says:

    I’m in.

  3. Ed says:

    Sounds fun

  4. Adam says:

    So we doing this on Saturday?

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From Past

Published - Mar 17, 2014

Kenso go-pro

Our buddy Mike shot some go-pro footage over the weekend. Riding back in the kenso woods is so much damn fun. The vid footage is from saturday, but on sunday adam and I found a homeless persons home. Literally a shit box, and then 30 mins later some sketchy dude was creeping through the brush […]