Chasing rain 

6 of us decided to ignore the questionable forecast and go dirt biking in Reading. 

Trails were awesome. Rain held out until we were tired of riding so it all worked out. First time back there since last fall. Definitely a little rusty. Everyone went down at least once. Good times.

@chinonthetank getting some berm action. #readingwoods

A video posted by Nate King (@natemking) on


2016-03-13 13.42.00
2016-03-13 13.16.09
2016-03-13 13.14.58

4 responses to “Chasing rain ”

  1. Nate says:

    I thought you were calling the post “Balls on the tank”?

  2. Devyn says:

    I wasn’t jealous until the last 3 photos.

  3. Adam says:

    Dude, Bojangles was delicious. The ‘famous’ sweet really gets the energy up.

  4. Ben the Man says:

    Agreed with Devyn. Damn………

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From Past

Published - Oct 2, 2020

Montana single-track still-frame

On our week long off-road trip, Adam shot some GoPro still-frame video footage from the tight single track we did. Pretty sure it catches me taking a spill somewhere. Also, some random BMX videos I dug up from early-mid 2000’s. Good stuff.