Martin moto show photos

Matt ferrino, who is one of our buddies got us into the show for free which was cool. 

Tons of cool vintage bikes. Bummer if you missed it or did too many drugs the night before to make it.

Hit the Pottstown diner on the way home.  Those yokes up there really favor their horseradish… Sandwiches were intense


One response to “Martin moto show photos”

  1. Yann says:

    Not one picture of the Britten?

    (sorry I missed it, I totally forgot it was that weekend)

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From Past

Published - Sep 19, 2013

Kawi GPZ550

Our buddy Mike Ashley just recently finished his 83 kawi gpz550 and brought it out tonight. Pretty badass. – Sport bike wheels, brakes and forks. – Shortened rear end.