2 Stroke Intervention

Ohhhh look! Cool Jerk is trying to sell his DT. That’s not cool!

DT250 Post6

So your caring and thoughtful friend (not naming names) made a post to have a little DT intervention for you. Good luck with the sale! haha…

DT250 Post4

3 responses to “2 Stroke Intervention”

  1. Ed says:

    Hey Guys-

    Why don’t we leave cool jerk alone. Just because we all secretly want his life, Little Alex wants his height, and I would love to have his full head-a-hair, doesn’t mean we can make him our personal punching bag!

    So here’s to you, Cool Jerk! The baddest motherfucker of all.

  2. Quinn says:

    He needs a Japanese flag in that garage. Also whoever made that CL post is a genius.

  3. Francione says:

    Das cold blooded!

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