KZ1000 | Good News and Bad News

BAD NEWS: It’s pissing A LOT of oil from the top end.

GOOD NEWS: My motor is bigger than Ed’s and we all know BIGGER = FASTER

I had to disassemble the top end to find where the oil was coming from. Turns out the previous owner had it bored to 1075 with a Wiseco 10.25:1 piston kit. Not what I was expected to find but pretty pumped.


Earlier when I fixed the cam timing I found that the cam bearing was installed incorrectly causing it to partially block an oil port. That lack of oil looks like it damaged my exhaust cam journals. They’re measuring .961″ (24.41 mm) to .963″ (24.43 mm) which is at the service limit according to the FSM. I wish the previous owner didn’t fuck this shit up. Oh well, now I need a new cam.

IMG_3096 (1)

There’s been a lot of suspect things in the top end but these are most likely the biggest culprits for the oil leak. Broken cylinder o-rings and a pinched/broken center o-ring.


These photos are just for reference.


Now off to the machine shop to get everything cleaned and checked out.

6 responses to “KZ1000 | Good News and Bad News”

  1. Nate says:

    Which machine shop?

  2. Ed says:

    – 1075cc weisco
    – webcam 118
    – CR29 carbs
    – kerker 4-1
    Great setup. Might be faster than mine.

  3. Adam says:

    Might be faster?

  4. Ted says:

    Get aftermarket cams, need more power! Order and use the Wiseco specific cylinder gasket if you need to replace. Call them up and a service tech will get your straightened out with the gaskets and new rings.

  5. Mike says:

    Well Ed you had a good run. We’ll all remember that one summer of ’17 when you were the fastest.

  6. D Car says:

    I thought your bike looked faster than eds, now we know for sure

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Published - Aug 8, 2011

Life Moves

New Van: New home: New garage: New projects: All of this in 3 months. Pretty much uprooted everything I own and went through every last bit of it. I’m finally starting to wrench again in my spare time and I’m really stoked for the things coming up. two triumph projects, some serious fab work, shaggin […]