Keystone Collective

This past weekend Steve and I rode out to the Keystone Collective show in Lancaster, PA.  We took a roundabout route and added an extra 50 miles of backroads to the trip with all kinds of terrain, especially gravel.  I love riding along the southern edge of Pennsylvania, but exploring new roads/trails was awesome and the weather was perfect for it.  The show was pretty cool. Definitely an ideal setting for it.  Lots of chopper shit.


  • Catching air off some backroad hills
  • 3 creek crossings
  • Steve almost running out of gas
  • Chopper Shit
  • Someone who isn’t Steve stalling their bike in front of all the chopper bros
  • Some girl saying “all of these bikes look like they were in a fire”
  • Vans Galore
  • Turbo NOS Harley



One response to “Keystone Collective”

  1. Nate says:

    I feel like Steve almost running out of gas is a common theme on trips. Looks like a cool show.

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From Past

Published - Apr 10, 2017

Season Opener! | Norton Show Camping Trip

UPDATE – Saturday camping trip is off due to rain. We’re still going to Norton show Sunday morning. Leaving from reanimator ‘fishtown next to loco pez’ coffee shop Sunday at 9am. Be there gassed and ready to go. We’ll get Dilly burgers for lunch after Norton show. Forget what’s below… Read above only.. I’m looking […]