Vancouver city to Savona BC
- The guys swam in an insane cold lake at our campsite in the morning. I soaked in the sun
- Got on the road and after some time stopped in Whistler to address Andrews trans fluid leaking issue
- A Whistler 5 is a Philly 10
- Head towards the road which takes us up and over the mountain range going east
- Weather shifted
- Rain and shitty sharp cold
- We got wet, then pulled over to put on rain suits
- I fucked up and didn’t put on my rain boots. Red wing boots got drenched
- We rode in rain for what seemed to me like hours.
- Amazing landscapes. Insane views. As epic as epic gets. Shame it was raining and freezing
- Found great campsite
- Regarding the bikes: Adams bike runs a million degrees hot. Andrews trans seal leaks over his rear tire. Quinn’s guzzi is rattling itself loose. My XR has a bent wheel so vibrates at highway speed. Bens bike is ugly