Canadian Rockies – day 8

Golden BC to southern portion of Jasper Alberta

  • Woke up in light rain and headed north towards Jasper
  • Was ultra cold for me
  • Almost didn’t go to Jasper because was too cold and rainy
  • Have on every single layer of clothing, thermals, rain suit, 2 gloves and still cold
  • Decided to go anyway
  • Get to campsite and sun came out. Was great
  • Jasper mountains are wild looking

3 responses to “Canadian Rockies – day 8”

  1. Nate says:

    Can’t be that cold if Ben’s in flip-flops.

  2. Tall Alex says:

    Weird, I thought Ben had tough enough feet to not need flip flops.

  3. Bradley J Camarote says:

    you should rename this Coldadian Rockies

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From Past

Published - Dec 13, 2013

Who knows 2-strokes?

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