Canadian Rockies – day 9

Jasper Alberta to White Swan Lake Alberta

  • Leave Jasper fuck the cold
  • Head south
  • Pass Banff entirely. Never saw the town of Banff
  • Waitress few days ago told us about natural hot springs
  • We went. It was awesome. Great to warm up. We made friends
  • Camped down road after
  • Quinn tried to go up a hill on Guzzi. Failed

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From Past

Published - Jun 20, 2019

Canadian Rockies – day 4

Vancouver city to Savona BC The guys swam in an insane cold lake at our campsite in the morning. I soaked in the sun Got on the road and after some time stopped in Whistler to address Andrews trans fluid leaking issue A Whistler 5 is a Philly 10 Head towards the road which takes […]