Trailboss to Roadking – day 6

N of Salt Lake to Butte.

Well, we made it to Montana. Long day of ripping highway. Caught a little rain but not bad. Didn’t really get wet.

Stopped in Dillon MT which is a little cowboy town Adam, Colin and I were in last August. Went into a cowboy store and met Aaron Buckley from the future.

Love the store, a ton of nice stuff. Kendra and I picked up a couple things. Owners Dan and his wife Julia told us about their business and how they’ve been making custom boots and cowboy gear forever in Dillon. We hung and waited out the rain. Drank some beers with them in the shop, told stories, then went to the bar down the street with them. Was a bunch of fun, they were super nice and hospitable.

Then parted ways and caught a great sunset on way to Butte.

Missoula tomorrow.

One response to “Trailboss to Roadking – day 6”

  1. Tom says:

    Well? Did you two buy some cowboy boots?

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From Past

Published - Apr 29, 2019

Norton Meet 2019 photos

Was fun. We did not camp. Just went early in the morning. Looked like it was going to rain We said oh well let’s go anyway Slims street wear was good It barely sprinkled for 5 mins while at the show Looked at bikes for 30 mins The old guy with the first year rootbeer […]