Published - Sep 5, 2021

Comments - 3

Riding the Lightning

  My inspiration to do a proper track day started when I realized that 2020 and 2021 would be years without a whole lot of big traveling or other new ventures. So loose plans were set in motion to do a track day on my modern beginner sport bike, a 2015 Yamaha R3. Brad acquired […]

Published - May 17, 2016

Comments - 5

Old Toyota Truck Ads

While doing Yamahauler sticker research I fell into an internet hole of old toyota pickup advertisements. I love everything about the old Toyotas. I like that they were just called ‘pickup’ and were basic small trucks with great colors options and even better graphics. The new trucks just don’t have that same cool look as […]

From Past

Published - Apr 27, 2018

Thursday rides are on

This winter has been horrible and long. Thursday rides are on. Bring your junker out.