Other Yann

Other Yann is well dressed

– he rides a mint condition cb750 automatic

– he lives in an expensive loft in center city that has heat and AC

– he is a lawyer making 6 figures

– he does quite well with the ladies


4 responses to “Other Yann”

  1. Adam says:

    Yann, it’s okay if you want to completely ignore this post. Ed is lashing out at you because he is still butt hurt about us finding his alter ego ‘chin on the tank-Ed’ (https://www.chinonthetank.com/2016/03/chin-on-the-tank-ed/)

  2. Brad says:

    Maybe Ed should at least acknowledge the other post first, hear that’s a good first step toward healing.

    Maybe this yann will have a front brake cable for his it400

  3. Yann says:

    I would seriously think this was me if I owned that jacket

  4. booboo says:

    ladies man… really? No way!

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From Past

Published - Jul 3, 2013

Philly to Denver – Route

Adam and I did this trip early Sept 2010. This doesn’t account for any of the backroads we took. But it gives an overall idea of the locations we hit.