Norton Meet – 2018

I always look forward to the Norton Meet. It’s the start of the season.

Washington Crossing, just east of New Hope PA, Sunday – April 15th at 10am.
Below black/white pictures are from 2010.

Rain backup plan:

  • If its legit planned to start raining Sat night or Sunday before noon, this is the new plan
  • Still meet Saturday, same time
  • We’ll ride to New Hope area, get Dilly Burger, ride around… get beers, then come back Saturday at some point.

Here’s our plan if you want to join us:

  • Saturday
  • meet at La Colombe on Frankford ave
  • MEET at 3pm – drink a coffee
  • LEAVING and on road at 3:30 with or without you
  • Get gas BEFORE coming to la colombe
  • camping at a secret spot just past New Hope
  • dinner, Dilly burgers on way to campsite
  • bring your own Whiskey and plan to keep it out of sight if park ranger shows up
  • wake up Sunday, do a short ride, before heading to Norton meet
  • hang out at Norton meet for a bit, then head back to city
  • Back in city by 2pm Sunday.



10 responses to “Norton Meet – 2018”

  1. D Car says:

    Rick looks like the una bomber there

  2. D Car says:

    You’re the trying to do a ride before the meet on Sunday? Doesn’t it start at like 10 am?

  3. Ed says:

    Yea we’re doing a short ride. The show starts at 10 but I don’t plan on getting there at 10,

  4. Devyn says:

    Yes, April couldn’t come sooner!

  5. Nate says:

    Can we take a moment to reflect on Dana’s dreds?

  6. Kool Jerk says:

    Who’s the babe standing next to Rick?

  7. Yann says:

    The real mark of spring, can’t wait!

  8. Steve says:

    I’ll be there and camping. Hopefully this recent bipolar weather works in our favor.

  9. Travis says:

    I was wondering about the camping. Should I bring just the basic – small tent, sleeping bag and we get all meals out?

  10. Ed says:

    Bring whatever you think you’ll need.

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From Past

Published - Sep 18, 2012

Philly to Canada – day 4

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