Top 5’s of 2016 COTT

This is a little late for a year end recap but who cares. Here are my top 5 favorite posts from 2016 and also the top 5 retarded posts.

Top 5 Posts

1. Manifest Destiny Trip: Easy choice. Epic multi week trip.


2. Norton Show and Camping: Always a great season opener.


3. Buzby Farm Day: Greg’s family farm rules. Wish I had that setup as a kid.


4. Maryland Trip: Great riding, food, and camping mixed some of the scariest riding trying to get through a monsoon rainstorm.


5. Reading Woods: Reading is always a good time. One of many trips to this spot we did the past year.


Top 5 Retarded Posts

1. Chinonthetank Ed: Who can forget about the lovable Ed fanboy and Ed refusing to acknowledge this post made it even better.


2. Gringo S Helmet Review: This cracked me up so much when I first saw it. Not sure why it’s funny but it is.


3. Yann Doppelganger: Watching Ed blatantly take photos of this guy was just awkward.


4. Motorcycle repair with Nate: The art of jankey motorcycle maintenance


5. Winning money from Ed is too easy: Fact – A bet against Ed pays out 100% of the time.


3 responses to “Top 5’s of 2016 COTT”

  1. Cool Jerk says:

    I feel like I can go into 2017 refreshed now. Thanks guys for the summary.

  2. Adam says:

    Thanks Ben. I do this all just for you.

  3. Steve says:

    This recap is the Alex Quinn of COTT posts

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Published - Apr 24, 2014

Vintage Motorcycles and BMX

Motorcycles are cool but BMX will always fuckin rule.