Published - Aug 20, 2017

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Eclipse trip day 2

– long ass day of riding. Such great roads around lake moomaw VA, but hard to make distance – got lunch in downtown Roanoke. Watched a girl spill water all over herself – half way through the day I realized the clip on my master link had popped off at some point, who knows when. […]

Published - Aug 19, 2017

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Eclipse trip day 1

So… Adam and I had planned to go south and visit Alex in Asheville, and Ben in Johnson city. Unfortunately Adam was unable to make the trip so Jake is now in. Was supposed to be Adam on his cb550 and me on my cb450, but now Jake on his fast as fuck xsr900 and […]

Published - Apr 14, 2017

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Desert Sessions

Dana and Ali were kind enough to let Francione and myself hop on the first part of their LA vacation to see Rick and Heather. I jumped at the opportunity because I knew what it would mean for us… desert ripping. Day One: -Flew in and rented a Wrangler for the desert. -Hung out at Rick and […]

Published - Nov 9, 2016

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Manifest Destiny – Week Six & Seven, The End.

Saturday 10/29/16 After waking and checking out, I sat at Carolines waiting for the UPS man. Thankfully Dimecity and UPS came through around 1. Fueled up on coffee from an awesome shop next door called Flat Track Coffee. It’s a bike and coffee shop plus they got dirt bikes on display. Got my clutch cable […]

Published - Oct 21, 2016

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Manifest Destiny – Week Four, From The Valley of Death to The City of Angels

Putting this up a day early b/c we are heading into the desert to camp and ride dirt bikes tomorrow…   Sunday 10/16/16 Woke up and soon realized I lost my debit card. Fuck. Ran all over town retracing my steps but no luck. Went to Ryan’s to finish maintenance on the bikes and hang […]

Published - Oct 16, 2016

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Manifest Destiny – Week Three, From Fury Road to Sin City

Saturday 10/8/16 Originally planned to leave Fort Stockton and head straight to Roswell but the storm front sat right above everywhere we were headed. Decided to go to Carlsbad caverns and wait out the storm The road there was again long and straight but with all the oil pumps, fracking burnoff towers, the sand, and […]

Published - Oct 7, 2016

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Manifest Destiny – Week Two, From The Emerald Coat to Pecos County

I’m putting this post up a day early because we holed ourselves in a hotel room in Fort Stockton, TX to recoup, warm up, and shower after 8 hrs in wind, rain, and cold. ​Sunday 10/2/16 & Monday 10/3/16 Time to relax. Beach, family, and food. The only gear I’m hauling are towels to the […]

Published - Oct 2, 2016

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Manifest Destiny – Week One, From Appalachia to God’s Waiting Room

Radke and I have started out on a multi-week cross country trip. I’m riding my ’78 KZ1000 and Radke’s on an ’84 Nighthawk. Jake, on his ’16 XSR 900, joined us for most of the first week. So far we have made it to Florida and are taking a couple of days to relax with […]

Published - Oct 1, 2016

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The Barber Vintage Motorsports Museum

Radke and I are currently riding across the country (more on that to come) and while at the Willville Motorcycle Campgrounds another rider suggested we detour to the Barber Vintage Museum. We thought that was a great idea and did. There are too many bikes here and I went nuts taking pictures but barely even […]

Published - May 24, 2016

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Number 8 Wire Motorcycle Trip Photos

I hit up Colin of Number 8 Wire Motorcycles for a recap of his West Coast trip. Here’s what he had to say: Yo man, I’ve been flat out! Here are some pics. The trip was epic. South from Missoula are some amazing roads, through Stanley and Sun Valley (ID) then through Nevada to some […]

Published - May 6, 2016

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Number 8 Wire Motorcycles West Coast Trip

Our buddy Colin just started out on a pretty long motorcycle camping trip touring the west coast. Check out some of the photos if you want to feel more cabin fever during this week+ of rain we’ve been having in Philly. Check him out on Instagram: number8wiremotorcycles Ready to roll!! It's been mad but both […]

Published - Apr 5, 2016

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Tiny Yamaha’s

This past weekend was another great jalopy shred in the Reading woods. The 30+mph winds made the drive up sketchy in our tiny Toyotas but it was all worth it once we got to the woods. I severely lacked at taking any good photos but sometimes that’s a sign of how fun the trip was […]

Published - Mar 21, 2016

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You Best Fuckin’ Belize It: Day Three

I awoke well before the roosters started crowing and the sun had yet to rise. I snuck out to see what I believe was my first sunrise over the ocean. The Caribbean sea lay flat like a sheet of glass. Very quickly the sun was on the horizon, then I headed back to the hostel […]

Published - Mar 21, 2016

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Reading woods – April 3rd

Put this date on your calendar. – Sunday, April 3rd Meet at aramigo wawa at 9am Sunday. Gonna rip around in the reading woods then go to BoJangles for dinner. Meet at wawa on aramingo ave at 9am. Two full weeks to get your junker sorted so if necessary, order whatever you need to today. […]

Published - Mar 15, 2016

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You Best Fuckin’ Belize it: Day Two

Morning of our 2nd day was the complete opposite of our previous. The sun was raging by 7am; it would easily be in the high 80’s today. I quickly forgot about the shitty Philadelphia winter I left behind, and was fully adjusted to the Caribbean climate. Today started with a trip back to see Emma […]

Published - Mar 13, 2016

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Chasing rain 

6 of us decided to ignore the questionable forecast and go dirt biking in Reading.  Trails were awesome. Rain held out until we were tired of riding so it all worked out. First time back there since last fall. Definitely a little rusty. Everyone went down at least once. Good times. @chinonthetank getting some berm […]

Published - Mar 11, 2016

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You Best Fuckin’ Belize It: Day One

Morning comes early in the tropics. The sleepy Caribbean beach towns come alive as early as 6am. We found ourselves up by 7 shaking off the fog of too many Belikin Lagers and copious amounts of Belizean One Barrel Rum from the previous night’s local Garifuna band session. It was our first night and we […]

Published - Nov 18, 2015

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Dirt Bike Weekend | Bald Eagle State Forest

If you didn’t already know… dirt bike weekends fuckin’ rule. Last weekend, 12 of us packed up after work on Friday and headed 3hrs outside Philly to Bald Eagle State Forest. Around 10pm our crew of old Toyota’s was cruising down a gravel road in the pitch black. Ed and I in front, were pounding […]

Published - Oct 27, 2015

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Nov 7th dirt bike trip – camping details

I called the main forest office twice today and got all the details from some lady. Here is what we’re gonna do: Leave philly friday at 8pm. Nov 6th Meet at aramingo wawa gassed up and ready to LEAVE AT 8pm Get to forest/campsite at 11ish. Easy drive, all highway. $5 toll on turnpike I […]

From Past

Published - Jun 17, 2013

Spare Parts – Philadelphia

I just saw this on Silodrome blog and figured local Philly riders needed to check it out. Spare Parts has been a staple in Philadelphia motorcycling for decades and if you’re a local you’ve most likely met Roland and/or Scott. If you haven’t, stop by a Two Wheel Tuesday at the Abbaye sometime. Good guys […]