Published - Jun 25, 2019

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Canadian Rockies – day 8

Golden BC to southern portion of Jasper Alberta Woke up in light rain and headed north towards Jasper Was ultra cold for me Almost didn’t go to Jasper because was too cold and rainy Have on every single layer of clothing, thermals, rain suit, 2 gloves and still cold Decided to go anyway Get to […]

Published - Jun 23, 2019

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Canadian Rockies – day 7

Stayed outside Golden BC again Camp spot is so epic we stayed again 1 more night Met up with NZ Colin Saw Lake Louise – it was awful tourist trap but pretty lake Great weather but then rained a little I went into Golden for dinner. Was okay.

Published - Jun 22, 2019

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Canadian Rockies – day 6

Glacier BC to Golden BC We’re just a couple hours west of Banff The weather has finally gotten sunny even though it’s warm one min and cold the next We have the most epic renegade camp spot ever. It’s on a really clear teal river Longest day of the year … we basically stared at […]

Published - Jun 21, 2019

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Canadian Rockies – day 5

Savona BC to W of Glacier national park BC Another day of rainy riding in our rain suits. On / off rain Very cold day for me, I was struggling Arrive at our campsite outside Glacier BC which is in the middle of no where Found a fire service camp spot and slept with the […]

Published - Jun 20, 2019

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Canadian Rockies – day 4

Vancouver city to Savona BC The guys swam in an insane cold lake at our campsite in the morning. I soaked in the sun Got on the road and after some time stopped in Whistler to address Andrews trans fluid leaking issue A Whistler 5 is a Philly 10 Head towards the road which takes […]

Published - Jun 19, 2019

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Canadian Rockies – day 3

Vancouver island to Vancouver city Take an awesome dirt road across entire Vancouver island W to E. Was epic. Super dusty though Get to Namaino and find a Honda dealer. Try and solve Adams over-heating issue. Put in oem paper air filter and remove his emissions canister and plug air box. Still reading 275deg on […]

Published - Jun 18, 2019

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Canadian Rockies – day 2

Lopez island WA to port renfrew Vancouver island Leave Andrews island and take 23 ferries to get to Vancouver island Quinn’s first time ever out of America which blew my mind People may or may not have smuggled things over the border Didn’t know Victoria was a city that existed. Had lunch and people watched […]

Published - Jun 17, 2019

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Canadian Rockies – day 1

Portland OR to Lopez Island WA All meet in Portland. Stay with bens buddy Justin. Slept in his backyard Portland is nicer than I remember. Hung with Ryan for the day. Wake in morning and take highway to Dr Andrew island to meet Andrew there 10 mins on highway outside Portland Adams XR650 shits it’s […]

Published - Jun 6, 2019

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MC Trip 2019 – Canadian Rockies

In a little over a week Ben, Andrew, Alex, Ed, and myself are heading out West to explore British Columbia. Last month we all packed our bikes and shipped them out to Portland, OR. Our final stop be will Missoula, MT where Ed and I plan to keep our XR’s so we can fly out […]

Published - Mar 28, 2018

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Một, hai, ba, dzô! Part 4

Part 4: Scootin’ around Hội An -Following our 7 day adventure in the north, we moved onto the 2nd leg of our trip. The central coastal city of Hội An. This town is known for its preserved ancient architecture and its tailors. To say its a tourist town is an understatement but nonetheless still an […]

Published - Mar 27, 2018

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Một, hai, ba, dzô! Part 3

Part 3: Cao Bằng to Hanoi Day 5: Quảng Uyên to Bản Giốc waterfalls -I got up before the roosters today and not cause I wanted to. A bit of the old ultra violence erupted in my stomach that brought me to the knees of the great porcelain god. There was no returning to sleep, […]

Published - Mar 25, 2018

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Một, hai, ba, dzô! Part 2

Part 2: Hà Giang to Cao Bằng Day Three: Hà Giang to Mèo Vạc -Roosters. Fuck em. See part one. I could not fall back asleep so I joined Radke to watch the sun rise. We couldn’t have asked for a more tranquil morning. Breakfast was many instant coffees, and instant noodles loaded with fresh […]

Published - Mar 22, 2018

Comments - 6

Một, hai, ba, dzô! Part 1

Part 1:  Hanoi to Ha Giang Jake, Radke, and I decided to visit the 2 wheel mecca of Vietnam. Most of my vacations all center around some sort of 2 wheel adventure and Vietnam always comes in at the top of everyone’s lists. I’ve taken to seeing it as a motorcyclists Hajj, if you will. […]

Published - Aug 26, 2017

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Eclipse trip day 8

– woke up in lake moomaw VA. Headed to get breakfast – met a 22 yr old girl in a diner who moved there from D.C. with her bf. We got to talking. She mentioned she hates the area and feels stuck. Bummer.  – met a dude in the diner on a mc who gave […]

Published - Aug 25, 2017

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Eclipse trip day 7

– woke up in Johnson city. Parted ways with Ben and Bonnie. Had a great breakfast before leaving and did a walk through the town – saw an Ulitma GTR – headed towards lake moomaw VA. Randomly came across a road called “back of the dragon”. Was way better than normal tail-dragon – rode a […]

Published - Aug 24, 2017

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Eclipse trip day 6

– woke up south of deals gap NC to do the dragon – first got breakfast at some weird mom n pop spot. Cafeteria style. Was real good  – people watch out front after eating. There was a Honda metric cruiser with a rear car tire. Wtf. The dude who owned the bike was a […]

Published - Aug 23, 2017

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Eclipse trip day 5

– woke up in Asheville. Parted ways with Alex – went to a brunch spot called sunny point. Was good. Then hard 2 hours of people watching in downtown Asheville  – hippy vibe is stronggggg – rode blue ridge parkway from east side of Asheville going west bound for over 2 hours. No traffic. Was […]

Published - Aug 22, 2017

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Eclipse trip day 4

– after an interesting night camping with the girls, we wake up and her dad is big mc guy – Steve took us on an hour long ride around the lake and mountains. He was on a moto guzzi griso – let’s just say Adam Jordan would not approve of steves riding speed. He was […]

Published - Aug 22, 2017

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Eclipse trip day 3

– rode around Asheville with Alex and Laura – got awesome breakfast tacos but it gave us all the shits later  – Alex bought us eclipse glasses off a homeless person … but he was white so Alex was okay with it  – made our way south west to a lake 4 hours south of […]

Published - Aug 21, 2017

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Ferry’s Wear Bikes

This past weekend I finally did something I’ve had on my list for awhile: take my bike on the Cape May Ferry. Since a few of the guys expressed interest on what it’s like for MC’s, I figured I’d share my experience. The planned trip was to OC, MD for couple days in the sun […]

From Past

Published - Feb 27, 2018

KZ1000 Arrived