Published - May 24, 2016

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The Country Mile Race

I unfortunately had not heard of this race until the week or so before it. I think we should plan on this for next year. There is about 15 of us on old dirt bikes now and this is only 3 hours from Philly. What do you guys think? Enter the Open Amateur or Open […]

Published - Apr 17, 2016

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2016 Norton Show Photos

It was a great weekend for riding and camping. A bunch of us met up at C&S Saturday afternoon and headed North out of the city. We stopped for dinner at Dilly’s Corner and then setup camp about 20 miles north of New Hope in High Rocks State Park. River Road had a couple detours […]

Published - Apr 15, 2016

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Not polishing turds

I lost $50. Adam was looking through the website at stuff from back in 2010. He found the below picture and said “wow, yanns bike was really clean”. I said no fucking way, it’s some random persons bike that came out for a Thursday ride. Long story short, I was wrong and yes it was […]

Published - Apr 13, 2016

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Gathering of the Nortons V2

Too much different plans going on for this. This is what I’m doing if anyone wants to join… Ed and I are going to be camping at Deer Wood Campground in the Tohickon Valley Park. We’ve camped here before and it’s nice low key spot and I don’t expect it to be busy. It’s $20 […]

Published - Apr 1, 2016

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Curb on the Tank

Sometimes leaving the bar you start your bike in gear, drop it on the curb, and have to fix it with Duct tape. Don’t judge.   

Published - Mar 21, 2016

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Thursday rides are on

As long as it’s over 50 degrees, the Thursday rides are on. So come out. Don’t be lame like your dad. I don’t care if you’re on a Harley, Honda, triumph, Suzuki, scooter, dirt bike… Well, maybe not a scooter… See you on Thursdays. BP at 25th and poplar at 8pm ish. Beers after the […]

Published - Mar 7, 2016

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Martin moto show photos

Matt ferrino, who is one of our buddies got us into the show for free which was cool.  Tons of cool vintage bikes. Bummer if you missed it or did too many drugs the night before to make it. Hit the Pottstown diner on the way home.  Those yokes up there really favor their horseradish… […]

Published - Oct 25, 2015

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Nesco vintage dirt bike track

Man, you guys fucked up. I know it was slightly a late notice thing, but real big bummer you missed this. It was amazing. Here is the run down: Nesco vintage race track is basically some private MX track some old dude made in south east NJ. He replicated tracks from the 70s. It’s not […]

Published - Aug 18, 2015

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C&S x COTT on Iron & Air

I remember when Iron & Air first launched a few years ago. They started from scratch and have become a well known name in the vintage motorcycle world for their original content and high quality photos. So, I was really excited when I found out that they were going to run a post about our […]

Published - Jul 15, 2015

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Mid Ohio 2015 Photos

Such a great time! Bummer if you missed it. Everyone ripped around on dirt bikes all weekend. It’s cool to see people of all ages, guys and girls, riding 50cc z50’s to rare Penton dirtbikes. You basically need a pit bike to get around the place. Some weekend highlights: – There’s basically no rules. – […]

Published - Jun 3, 2015

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Mid-Ohio Vintage Days 2015 | July 10th – 12th

Found this ad in an old motorcycle magazine and reminded me that the Mid-Ohio Vintage Days are coming up soon so mark your calendars. We should have a decent crew coming out from Philly this year. July 10th-12th Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course 7721 Steam Corners Road Lexington, OH 44904 Google Map Directions from Philly

Published - Apr 17, 2015

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Gathering Of The Nortons | 2015

This show pretty much marks the start of the motorcycle season here in Philly. If you have never gone it’s worth checking out. The show always starts on time and ends on time so don’t get there too late. Weather looks great for this Sunday so we’ll see you there. Washingtons Crossing 10am to 1pm, […]

Published - Apr 16, 2015

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Pictures from Austin MotoGP and the Handbuilt Motorcycle Show

So in order to keep a record (both written and photographic) of the our shared motorcycling experience, I have started a blog called Bike-Specific. It is still in its infancy, but the goal is to focus more on the experience of motorcycling whether it be going to a show, taking a road trip or building/working […]

Published - Sep 5, 2014

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Schuykill River Trashbag Beers | Thursday Ride

To keep it interesting, Ed and I decided to stash some trashbag beers in the Schuykill River before the ride. After about 3/4’s the way through the ride we made a pit stop to hangout on the river bank and all pound a beer. Overall, it was fun and I challenge anyone else to come […]

Published - Aug 1, 2014

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Thursday Enduro Ride

**NEXT THURSDAY (8/7) WE ARE DOING ANOTHER THURSDAY DIRT BIKE RIDE. COME OUT ON YOUR DIRT SHREDDER AND HAVE SOME FUN*** Yesterday’s ride was a fucking blast. A bunch of us came out on our dirt bikes and split off from the street bikes to shred some some gravel trails through the woods. Riding at […]

Published - Jun 27, 2014

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Sunny Thursdays

Not sure where some of you guys have been. Thursday rides have been really good lately…

Published - Jun 5, 2014

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Breakout Campout

Hey guys, I’m leading the ride again to this year’s Breakout. The ride alone is epic and the payoff is one of the coolest campgrounds I’ve ever done camped at—There’s a biker bar on the campground. We’ve also rallied four killer bands that are sure to make your face melt. Meet me at the Barbary at […]

Published - Apr 15, 2014

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Thursday rides starting back up

It’s finally warm outside. We are doing the thursday rides starting with May 1st and continuing through the spring / summer / fall. Come out for a ride. See you there. BP gas station at 25th and Poplar at 8pm’ish.

Published - Feb 28, 2014

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Race of Gentlemen 2

With this Monday’s impending snow vortex bringing another foot of snow, I figure I’d dig up these “remember the warm days” photos… Race of Gentlemen, in it’s second year, has already become a trophy weekend for our kind. The petrol-fueled celebration leaves vacant streets at the mercy of flathead-powered burnouts and slow-burn cruising. Shirtless dance-riots […]

Published - Jan 4, 2014

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Women’s Motorcycle Exhibition

This is an interesting website I came across. called “Women’s Motorcycle Exhibition”. They highlight girls who are into riding motorcycles. It’s a cool little SquareSpace website. Check it out. Some nice photography.

From Past

Published - Aug 14, 2014

PA trip – day 5

Destination – raystown lake. We left state college and stopped by the honda dealer I worked at. Said hey to some old friends and lubed my chain. So… I remember the owner of the dealership always had cool motorcycles. Just so happens that he has another cool toy; a jap spec suzuki 250cc 2-stroke GP […]